Monday, July 17, 2006

Questions on Obo-1

I had the following comments for the Obo-1 post.

1. Tommy R. said...
Hi,Have you heard anything about this discovery being larger than a 1B find to surpass that of the Akpo find?Thanks for any info you might have heard.
Tommy R.
2. Mike M'Centir said...
Nigeria seems to be booming with discoveries, but how is your government planning the management. Learnt there's still so much corruption in high places and the violent crisis in Niger Delta area!!
I don't have much info with me for now to compare the two finds (Obo & Akpo) but I'll see what I can scoop for you.

On the second response from Mike, my guess is as good as yours !! The Nigeria's government of the day is trying its best to manage the country right, both financially and politically. We're looking forward to better days ahead.

Thanks for the response.

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