Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Move to Deepwater Pathfinder

Hi Friends,
Sorry for the break, you proberbly didn't like it but I just had to catck some breath from this struggling and digging life too far from people. In other words I had to take some time off and I can assure you I'm refreshed.
Then back to the deep blue ocean, this time on water depth of 8634 ft, I am sitting aboard this mighty but sweet drillship called Deepwater Pathfinder operated by TransOcean.
We're drilling deep offshore Nigeria waters for Ocean Energy/ Devon Project.

The Deepwater Pathfinder is a dynamically positioned, ultra-deepwater drillship capable of operating in water depths of up to 10,000 feet. The rig entered service in 1998 following construction in the Samsung Shipyard in Korea. The rig is one of 28 High-Specification Floaters in the Transocean fleet, 17 of which are capable of drilling in water depths of 7,000 feet or greater.

We keep digging. Chaoo.

click photo to read more about Deepwater Pathfinder


Anonymous said...

New rig http://today.reuters.com/business/newsArticle.aspx?type=ousiv&storyID=2006-03-01T164752Z_01_N01306439_RTRIDST_0_BUSINESSPRO-ENERGY-CHEVRON-TRANSOCEAN-DC.XML

Anonymous said...

Oily Sam. Have you ever posted on the IHub ERHC site?

Unknown said...

Hi Oily - Do you know when the Deepwater Pathfinder will complete
it's contract with Devon and Partners. Rough date would be Great.

Thanks, Tom