Today, I feel I should publish the first four response submitted:
"Hi SamYou are doing a very good job, thanks to this web site I can Share with my family these nice pictures in the other side of he world. From Edgar, Colombia South America."
"Those are some great shots . Thanks a lot for putting them out there . I will direct friends and family to this place so they can take a peek at some of what goes on aboard the Scarabeo 3 . From Philip Fougere Canadian Subsea Engineer aboard Scarabeo 3 .
"Hi Sam,That's an exellent job welldone, this website i believe will serve as an eye opener for people in the oilfield while celebrating on the rig especially during christmas and new year day or when worker win award and the gift items are been given to them. Any moment from now millions of people will visit this site and begin to bombard you with questions on how you built this site. Once again i congratulate you and three gbosa! gbosa!! gbosa!!! for you. From Sam Nnanta, Nigeria."
"What a wonderful idea you've put together here. I suggest you don't let it die with 2005 xmas show on scarabeo-3, please make it a permanent site and incorporate other rig operations in future. Kudos to a good job. I like it!! From Monilas, South Africa "
Thank you guys.
Digger Geologist in Charge
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